Saturday, April 9, 2011

Excited about APBA Soccer

As regular readers know, I've been trying to locate an enjoyable soccer game for over a year. The boys and I had a good time last summer with The World Cup Card Game, but it's not really a simulation as much as a card game.

I played around last winter with several versions of my own soccer game. While the game was able to reproduce reasonable stats, it just wasn't fun.

Finally, last month I took All-Time Championship Soccer with me to Jamaica. The gameplay wasn't that enjoyable, and (at least for the few games I played) the results didn't strike me as all that realistic.

I'm hopeful, now that APBA may come to the rescue with its new soccer game. I've been an APBA fan since I bought their baseball game in 1981. The session report that I've read makes it sound fairly interesting. It might have a few things in common (understandably) with APBA Hockey. I bought APBA Hockey in 1994, and thought it was a slight improvement over Strat-O-Matic Hockey. My biggest complaint with both hockey games is their weak handling of line changes. Luckily, that's not an issue with soccer, so I'm hoepful that the game will be enjoyable.

I've officially told Dennis that I'd like APBA Hockey from the family for my birthday next month. In the meantime, I located the cards for the Irish National Team online. Looking at them with anticipation reminds me of the days I spent reading the brochure for APBA Baseball again and again in 1981 while waiting for it to arrive.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gaming in Jamaica

Jamaica was beautiful, as usual. I spent most of my time enjoying the scenery and working on a paper for an economics conference. But I did get a little gaming in.

The first game is a self-published effort called All Time Championship Soccer. It's a download-for-free and print-it-yourself package. The game comes with a roster for 32 nations representing the nation's best World Cup showing. I played three games and shelved it, as the goal scoring seemed excessive. So, my search for a good soccer game continues. I still need to try The World Cup Game, and I now see that APBA has a soccer game available.

Gillian and I split two games of EcoFluxx. I still like the game, but I think Gillian still doesn't quite see the point (which is a common reaction to the Fluxx games).

The best gaming of the week was three games of Early American Chrononauts. I had a feeling that Gillian's dad, Ollie, would enjoy it, since he likes history and science fiction and has a good sense of humor. Gillian beat me in the first game while Ollie watched. In the second game, I managed to draw consecutive "Get there first" cards, and I stole two artifacts from Ollie to win the game. Ollie won the third game by snagging his three required artifacts. It was the first time I had played the game with three players, and it reminded me how much fun the game is.

Finally, I played dozens of games of cribbage on my iPhone in the airport. I think the AI is fairly weak, since I won about 80% of the games.