Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wonder Bred Wins by a Nose

Friday night at Mom's meant another round of Long Shot by Z-Man Games. Andrew is still at the Missouri Innovation Academy in Springfield (Missouri), and Non sat out, but the rest of us had one of the closest races ever.

Patrick continued with his strategy of only placing bets -- without ever buying a horse. It worked this time, as he won the game with $240. Dennis bought the race winner, Wonder Bred, and finished with $215. Gillian and Mom tied for third with $190. Gillian owned the second-place horse, Sure Lee, but Patrick had more money bet on the horse, which is why he was able to win. Mom owned the third-place horse, Rex in Effect. I finished with a mere $70, and Teresa finished with only $50.

In the seven weeks since I bought Long Shot, we've played it five times at Mom's. (We took one week off and played The Adventurers once.) I think it qualifies as a success.

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