Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 24, 2010

I continue to read the book Defenders of the Faith, by James Reston. It's a highly-readable history book that covers the same time period as Here I Stand-- which is to say that it's definitely not a footnote-heavy book that came out of someone's dissertation. There are upsides and downsides to that. On the one hand it means that he's often describing historical events with details that can't possibly be known -- such as a person's facial expressions, or what someone was thinking. Yet, having plowed through many boring books on Medieval England, I appreciate something that reads a little more like an historical novel.

Further down the reality chart, I'm also watching the first season of "The Tudor's" on Netflix. The liberties taken with history are well-documented, and I was worried that they would get in the way of my enjoying the show. But, I've yet to be bothered by anything important. I agree with those who argue that any positives that come out of people learning about the time period outweigh the negatives associated with having to "unlearn" a few facts.

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