Friday, January 21, 2011

Battling on the iPhone

Not much game playing going on this week. The one exception is that I've been playing the Reiner Knizia game Battle Line on the iPhone.

Battle Line was first published by GMT Games in 2000. It's fairly similar to other Knizia card games. The game includes a deck of 60 cards in six suits (colors) numbered 1 to 10. Players take turns playing cards in one of nine columns. A player's side of the column is filled when three cards are played. The player with the stronger set of three cards (flush, three of a kind, straight, straight flush) claims the column (by taking a marker). There are additional optional cards that add more to the mix, but I haven't tried them out yet.

The iPhone app is a bargain at $2.99. I'd like to get a physical copy of the game, but GMT has sold out two printings (with no more printings currently planned).

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