Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hail to the Chief

Patrick and I played a quick game of Campaign Manager 2008 this afternoon. Patrick (managing the Obama campaign) won by claiming MT, NJ, WV, MN, NH, OH, IA, FL and PA (plus his "banked" states) for a total of 279 electoral votes. Each player starts with a certain number of electoral votes "in the bank," reflecting the non-battleground states such as California (presumed for Obama) and Arizona (presumed for McCain).

The game is nice and quick. It's easy to learn and only takes about 30 minutes to play. At this point we're only using the starter cards, which means the game is already feeling a little stale after only two plays. We'll use the full deck next time, so hopefully that will "freshen" the game. I'll write a more meaningful review after a couple of more plays.

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