Sunday, May 2, 2010

Space ... The Final Frontier

The gang got together for some gaming yesterday. We had originally discussed attending The Geekway to the West gaming convention, here in St. Louis, but our schedules were a little full. We decided to save the money and check out the game room at Al's new place.

Since we had a full day, we decided to try out Twilight Imperium (3rd Edition) by Fantasy Flight Games. TI3 has become one of our favorite "event games" since Al bought it a couple of years ago. Al, Steven, Drew, Andrew, Jeff and Patrick played. (I helped Patrick out, since it was his first game, and I also served as "Rulebook Guy.")

The game is set in space. Each player represents a race of beings that builds ships, expands, takes over more planets, researches techonology and expands some more. It combines the stock mechanics of most "civilization" games, such as a technology tree and lots of plastic pieces representing lots of different types of units. It also has a few Euro elements, such as trading and strategy cards (that are similar to the role cards that are in various Euros).

The game is a lot of fun, but its downside is the time it takes to play. We started setting up at 4 PM, took our first turns about 4:45 PM, took a 45-minute dinner break about 7 PM and finally quit about 12:30 the following morning. The winner is the first to reach ten victory points, and we had a three-way tie for six when we called it. We've only finished one game -- ever -- and that took about twelve hours. We might be a little slow. (After all, our group does have the person who invented "fake thinking.") But I can't imagine a group of five or six finishing this game in less than eight hours. I found a fun video on YouTube that is a a stop-motion video of a three-player game.

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